
Friday Dec 26, 2014
Episode 15: It's a Happy Holidays Clip Show Everybody!
Friday Dec 26, 2014
Friday Dec 26, 2014
Happy Holidays everyone. It is my last show of 2014 so I am taking the lazy way out and re-packaging older material and making it look brand new again just like we will all be doing with our holiday leftovers. Today I give you my appearance last August on Yahoo Sports Radio's Prime Cut with John Granato and Sean Salisbury (friend of the show, by the way). In addition I have a story about Jingle Bells (so timely!!!), the sweetest job in the world and some more thoughts on the Redskins three-ring circus. No QSR, no Dope, just me and my steaming plate of leftover radio McNuggets. I may have a major announcement for youse guys coming back in 2015 so keep on listening pals. In today's episode we rocked out with our stockings out to Nirvana.

Saturday Dec 13, 2014
Episode 14: Attack of the Zombie Cheerleaders!!!
Saturday Dec 13, 2014
Saturday Dec 13, 2014
Greetings intrepid listeners. Got a steaming bowl of audio goodness for y'all. Today's showgram features Senior B&R Show contributor Chris Morelli, my zombie hands, the college football playoff conspiracy, America's winningest cities (perhaps), bad NFL franchises spreading their toxicity, and Buffalo Jills on the rampage. The QSR Spotlight features lists, lists and more lists, plus Hershey's Peppermint Bark Bites, Kettle Chips, and changes on the horizon for Starbucks and McDonald's. We wrap this up in a nice bow with an America's Team edition of the Dope of the Week. In today's episode we rocked out to Aerosmith.

Saturday Nov 29, 2014
Episode 13: Serving Up the Turkey of Sports with the Gravy of Absurdity
Saturday Nov 29, 2014
Saturday Nov 29, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving pals. I got an extra special, Thanksgiving-style podcast for you. That is right, I am going to stuff your ears full of sports right off the bone until you fall into a deep coma. I got some turkey porn to kick things off, then the continuing adventures of Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice, my first installment of a new semi-regular feature on the podcast: "Athletes, Money and Family" starring Devon Still and Ryan Howard, and I will pick over the carcass that was the once-promising Redskins career of the artist formerly known as RGIII. The gluttony continues with a super special edition of the QSR Spotlight starring Eric Huang, the Junk Food Guy himself! I will then finish our orgiastic feast for the senses with a Swagtastic installment of the Dope of the Week. Hope you wore your elastic waistband pants! In today's episode we rocked out like pilgrims to INXS.

Wednesday Nov 05, 2014
Episode 12: Joe Maddon and Other Conspiracies
Wednesday Nov 05, 2014
Wednesday Nov 05, 2014
It's another yuk-filled episode my people. Today on the showgram we get another visit from frequent contributor Chris Morelli, who joins me to talk Joe Maddon and the Cubs, college football playoffs, the renewal of the Maryland-Penn State rivalry and the rebirth of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I will also be picking over the carcass that was the World Series, discussing the latest dramas from Ashburn, Virginia, examining the the Milwaukee Brewers attempt at the most excessive promotion ever and some truly gross science. In the QSR Spotlight you get Auntie Anne's, Burger King, M&Ms, Arby's and Pizza Hut on the menu. Finally, the Dope of the Week is the man responsible for stemming the tide of bad publicity for a certain team from the Nation's Capital. Spoiler Alert! He failed. We rocked out to Stone Temple Pilots in today's episode.

Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Episode 11: It's the Sean Salisbury Show!
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
Sunday Oct 19, 2014
So I could spend some time discussing what is on today's episode, but come on! I got Sean Salisbury! Yes, that Sean Salisbury! We are rolling up our sleeves and talking some NFL with former NFL QB and current Yahoo Sports Radio host Sean Salisbury. We cover Percy Harvin, the Dallas Cowboys, Jameis Winston's draft status, and Griffin v. Cousins. Then, for good measure, we talked about the World Series. He is a man of many talents. In the solo portion of the showgram I spend some time whacking the piñata that is the NFL discipline machine, breaking down why the Kansas City Royals are in the World Series and I recount a horrifying baby pacifier story. We got a QSR Spotlight full of beef jerky, paranoid McDonalds, Ebola's newest victim, Carvel's leap into Pumpkin-themed food, prime rib at Subway and the greatest cream cheese EVER! The Dope of the Week is an old friend from yesterday's Big Three. In today's episode we rocked out to Green Day.

Sunday Sep 28, 2014
Episode 10: Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Skins Fans
Sunday Sep 28, 2014
Sunday Sep 28, 2014
Ten episodes in the books friendos! We made it. And I do mean "we." Could not have gotten to ten without your love and support. Enough with the mushiness already. Today's showgram features the return of Chris Morelli with an MLB playoff preview, a tribute to the other retiring baseball superstar, America's newest dairy product sensation for your coffee, the continuing saga of Jameis Winston and the heartbreak of my abusive relationship with the Redskins. The QSR Spotlight features more Pumpkin Spice mishagos from Twizzlers and Nestle, Hardees, White Castle's big mistake, Krispy Kreme and the Jack in the Box Munchie Meals. And because enough is never enough, you get a Constitutional edition of the Dope of the Week. In today's episode we are rocking out to U2.

Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Episode 9: Uncle Goodell's Perverted Rice or The Hypocrisy of Outrage, Volume 2
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
So I had a steaming bowl of topics to wax poetic over, but it turned out to be all Ray Rice and the NFL all the time! Amongst the Rice McNuggets I did manage to squeeze in some Adrian Peterson, the world's worst Fall promotional idea, the QSR Spotlight featuring Taco Bell, POPS, Hershey's and someone's creepy idea of gummy worms, and, of course, the cherry on the angry sundae is the Dope of the Week featuring the most misogynistic morning show ever! In today's episode we rocked out with our Archibald Cox out to some Led Zeppelin.

Sunday Aug 31, 2014
Episode 8: I'm Broke, I'm Bored and I'm Back!!!
Sunday Aug 31, 2014
Sunday Aug 31, 2014
Hi everyone! I am back from summer vacation. Summer is over, school is in session and it is time for more podcast goodness. Because so much happened during my vacation, you all get an extra-long, economy sized showgram. N'joy! Today I am joined by the Managing Editor of the Centre County (Pa.) Gazette, Chris Morelli, to talk some college and professional pigskin. In addition I will blather on endlessly about taking the podcast on the road, bathrooms made of chocolate, NFL penalties for domestic violence and drugs, the on-going saga of Michael Sam and how journalists should cover him and the sad stories coming out of Troy. I am issuing my own spin on the Ice Bucket Challenge, which I am cleverly calling the Ice Bucket Challenge Challenge. As always I will have the QSR Spotlight featuring our good friends at Tim Horton's, Arby's, Pizza Hut and Wayback Burgers. I will finish you off with a double dip of the Dope of the Week; one from the college ranks and one from the NFL. We rocked out extra hard in today's episode to Bush. How about that? An extra long show has an extra long description. Wacky!

Sunday Jul 27, 2014
Episode 7: Buy Me Some Peanuts and Podcast Yak
Sunday Jul 27, 2014
Sunday Jul 27, 2014
A title! A real-life title! Welcome my friends to the podcast that never ends. It is a big, elephantitis-like show today; I got "Fatbergs," Tony Dungy and Michael Sam, Ray Rice and his "punishment," the Kevin Love trade carousel, Carmelo Anthony's motivations, the QSR Spotlight featuring Sriracha and the Dope of the Week. Today's episode is also the debut of "GK's View from the Upper Deck," a baseball segment starring my good friend Noah. Yes, buddy, another voice on the showgram! We rocked out to the Cure in today's episode.

Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Episode 6: Kidd In Play
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Saturday Jul 12, 2014
Welcome to the dog-free 6th episode. Today's topics include Amish millionaires, LeBron James back in Cleveland, the World Cup Bandwagon on the side of the road, Jason Kidd and bad sports franchises, where all of the Old-Timer's Baseball games have gone, and the QSR Spotlight featuring Chik-Fil-A, Tim Horton's Donuts and Burger King's Gay Pride Whopper. We wrap things up with the Dope of the Week as always. In this episode we are rocking out to Alice in Chains.